Solar Return
Descripción del servicio
What is a Solar Return? The solar return is an annual horoscope that takes place on your birthday. The solar return analysis gives us a general overview of the opportunities and challenges we might face throughout the year in different areas of your life. When to do it? You can schedule it anytime close to your birthday. If I already had my birthday, can I do it afterward? Yes, you can do it up to 4/5 months after your birthday. The idea is to schedule it as close to your birthday as possible so you can make the most of the analysis. Can I do the Solar Return before my birthday? Yes, as long as you know where you will be on that day. The interpretation may vary if you are in a different location than where you live. What will you hear in the pre-recorded video? -The predominant trends and energy for this year. - Solar return ascendant. - The position of the planets in your solar return and their meanings. - The area of greatest personal growth. - Important dates for the highlighted areas of your year. - Slow-moving transiting planets that may be making contact with any of your personal planets. - The general significance of eclipses and their potential manifestations. - A month-by-month summary of key events. - A simultaneous analysis of your natal transits for a broader perspective. Suggestion: Book the session as close to your birthday as possible, or if you're 100% sure where you will be on your birthday. When you book the session, you’ll receive a confirmation email with the event time. Please note: I'll send you a link 30 minutes before the event so you can join via Skype! The session will be recorded. Remember to download the video after the session. After 30 days, I am no longer responsible for the recording. If you change your birthday location, please notify me—email me 24 hours in advance if possible. This will be your safe space. I will make sure you feel very comfortable so you can enjoy the session. I’ll listen to you, we’ll analyze your solar return chart, and I’ll provide the interpretation. I’ll also answer any questions you may have about upcoming transits and anything concerning your solar return.

Hola Mafe , este año me hice la Revolución Solar con vos y fue como cumplir un sueño, hacía mucho que lo deseaba y al fin lo pude concretar.
No puedo estar mas feliz al escucharla, desde hace años que admiro tu forma de explicar tu presición y tu manera de interpretar la astrología, que me llega muy profundo y me hizo emocionar varias veces cuando la escuchaba como buena Luna en escorpio.
Quería agradecerte por hacer tan bien tu trabajo, que se nota que también es tu pasión. Voy a hacer la tarea de escucharla varias veces o mes a mes para aprovecharla al máximo.
El año que viene seguro te contaré en la próxima revolución como sucedió todo. Un beso énorme.