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What is the Solar Return Chart?

The Solar Return is a predictive technique in astrology, much like progressions and transits, used to offer insight into what you might experience in a specific year of your life.

It is calculated for the exact moment when the Sun returns to the same position it occupied in the sky at the time of your birth. This event happens once a year, around your birthday, though the exact time can vary from year to year. Why is that? Because the Sun in your natal chart is at a precise mathematical degree, and when it returns to that same degree, astrologically speaking, it's your birthday.

What is the purpose of a Solar Return?

The Solar Return helps you identify the central themes or areas of your life that will receive more attention during that year. The position of the planets in the houses indicates which area will be most "stimulated," such as career, relationships, health, or personal development.

Interpreting the Solar Return provides insights into opportunities for growth and areas where you might face important challenges or lessons. This can help you better prepare for what's to come. Additionally, the interpretation encourages you to reflect on your goals, desires, and what you need for personal evolution.

By understanding the energetic influences that will be present throughout the year, you can make more informed decisions that align with your life path and personal growth. However, remember that this is energy that is available to you. I see astrology as: "What do I want to happen, based on what I see in my Solar Return?" I don't wait for things to come to me. The chart shows you the available energy so that you can make the most of it.

Is the Solar Return done every year?

Yes, the Solar Return is calculated every year. Since it’s an annual event, many people choose to have a reading of their Solar Return around their birthday to prepare for the year ahead, set intentions, and make the most of the available energies.

Does the Solar Return Ascendant change?

Yes, the Ascendant in your Solar Return can change each year. This change depends on astrological/cyclical factors and also the location where you spent your birthday.

The Ascendant in the natal chart represents how we project ourselves to the world, our first impression, and our initial approach to life. In the Solar Return, the Ascendant indicates how the energies of the year will manifest, the overall tone of the year, and which areas of life will primarily be activated by important events.

Each year, the area of life that receives the most attention or is most activated may change, reflecting the change in Ascendant. For example, if your Solar Return Ascendant is in Cancer, family and home-related themes may be more prominent, while a Capricorn Ascendant might emphasize career and responsibilities.

With a new Ascendant, new opportunities for personal growth come along, as well as new challenges to overcome, allowing for continuous evolution and learning through diverse experiences.

Why do people travel for their birthday because of the Solar Return?

The geographical location you are in at the moment of your Solar Return directly affects the astrological house in which the Sun and Ascendant fall, as well as the placement of all other planets in your Solar Return chart. Traveling allows individuals to "choose" a location where the planetary configurations are more favorable according to their wishes or needs for the coming year.

If the Solar Return chart calculated for your usual residence shows significant challenges, traveling to another location can help alter these configurations, potentially reducing the intensity of the challenges or emphasizing more positive aspects. Some people travel to enhance specific areas of their lives, such as love, career, or health. Depending on where the planets are located in the Solar Return chart and the houses they govern, the trip can be tailored to improve these areas.

When should I get my Solar Return reading?

You can have a Solar Return reading anytime after the solar return occurs, that is, when the Sun returns to the same position it had in your natal chart. Ideally, it is done as close to your birthday as possible to capture the astrological influences for the coming year with greater precision, but there’s no strict time limit for having it done or consulting it.

Many people prefer to do their Solar Return reading right before or just after their birthday to prepare for the themes and challenges the upcoming year might bring.

Can I do a Solar Return after my birthday?

Yes, you can consult your Solar Return at any point during the year to gain perspective on the transits and planetary influences active in your life. If you decide to check your Solar Return several months after your birthday, it can still provide valuable insight into what remains of your personal solar year. This can be especially helpful if you're going through a period of change or important decisions and want a deeper understanding of the astrological influences at play.

What are the key points to focus on in a Solar Return?

  • Sun’s Position: Since the Solar Return revolves around the Sun's return to its natal position, its location by house and sign in the chart shows which areas of your life will receive the most energy and focus during the year.

  • Solar Return Ascendant: The Ascendant and its ruling planet in the Solar Return chart are very revealing of the general trend of the year, how you'll perceive yourself, and how you'll present yourself to the world. It can also indicate new beginnings or areas of life that will be of special importance.

  • The Moon: The position of the Moon by house and sign can show your predominant emotional states and where you’ll find more comfort or emotional challenges.

  • Planetary Aspects: The aspects between planets in the Solar Return chart reveal specific dynamics that will be activated throughout the year. Harmonious aspects (trines, sextiles) suggest positive energy flow and opportunities, while challenging aspects (squares, oppositions) can point to areas of tension or growth.

  • Planets in Angular Houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th): Planets located in these houses have a stronger influence on the year's events. Pay special attention if you have planets in the Ascendant (1st house), Imum Coeli (4th house), Descendant (7th house), or Midheaven (10th house).

  • Comparison with Natal Chart: Observing how the planets and points of the Solar Return interact with your natal chart can offer an additional layer of insight, showing how the year’s themes relate to your long-term tendencies and challenges.


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